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Personal Information: First Name Last Name Present Street Address City State Zip
Phone Number Email address
Are you over 18? Yes No
Are you a U.S Citizen or do you have the legal right to be employed in the U.S? Yes No
Have a valid drivers license Yes No Issuing State Residential Commercial
Have you ever served in the Military Yes No
Service Branch Final Rank Date Entered Date Separated
Have you ever been convicted of any crime (excluding minor traffic violations but including any DWI or DUI) YesNo
If yes, please state offense, location, date, and disposition.(A conviction does not automatically disqualify you from employment.)
List your specific experience in the field of HVAC, including geothermal and solar experience:
What type of Oklahoma mechanical license/s do you currently hold ?Apprentice Residential Journeyman Limited Contractor Unlimited Contractor
List all State of Oklahoma journeyman categories for mechanical license/s held
Employment Desired:
Position Applying For
Desired Salary ($/hr)
Date available to start
Have you ever applied to SunTech before Yes No
Have you ever worked for SunTech beforeYes No
How did you learn about this position?
Specify any days/hours you are not available to work.
Name of High School Year graduated/years completed Name of College Year graduated/years completed
Course of study Name of Trade School Year graduated/years completed
Course of study
List any specialized training
Employment History:
List names of employers in consecutive order with present or last employer listed last. Account for all periods of time including military service and any periods of unemployment. If self employed, give the name and supply business references.
Name of Employer
Street Address
State Zipcode
Phone Number
Employed From To
Reason for leaving
Job Title
Name of last supervisor
City State Zipcode
If employed under another name, please list
Are you currently employed? Yes No
May we contact your current employer? Yes No
Have you been fired or asked to resign from a job? Yes No
If yes, please explain
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